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Build Reuse

Build Reuse is non-profit educational and research organization.
The members and supporters of Build Reuse believe:
1. The present linear economic model relying on consumption of “new” products and materials is unsustainable.
2. The Reuse of building materials needs to be recognized as a key component of sustainability goals
A circular economy is a critical component to achieve net zero emissions by 2050 in the building industry.
3. Reuse recognizes and prioritizes existing community value.
Reinvesting the inherent wealth of existing materials back into the community will create employment and economic opportunities, address urban blight and affordable housing.
4. Reuse is most impactful when implemented locally
Shifting to an economy with just and ethical supply chains centered on reuse and repurposing creates local jobs, builds small businesses and empowers more of the disenfranchised members of our communities.